Small Business Loan

A small business loan provides funding to small enterprises for growth, operations, and other financial needs.

Personal Finance

Budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, emergency fund, retirement planning, financial goals, credit score, insurance, financial security.

Corporate Finnace

CFO, Finance Director, Controller, Treasurer, Financial Analyst, VP of Finance, Finance Manager, Risk Manager, Investment Banker.

About Company

Viji Finance Ltd. is a Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registered at Reserve Bank of India, Department of Non‐Banking Supervision, Bhopal Office. The company is listed at the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange. VFL is mainly into the business of fulfilling the financial requirements of all sections of the society. It has assisted many individuals and corporate achieve their Dreams by providing them with customised financial products and services which has given them access to low cost finance and in turn improve their standard of living and operations respectively.

Viji Finance Limited

ISO (9001:2015) Certified Non‐Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registered at Reserve Bank of India, Department of Non‐Banking Supervision, Bhopal Office. It’s Registration Number is B­03.00080. The Company is mainly doing Finance Business. There is stiff competition among major NBFCs in finance sector, but due to long history and good background, the customers give preference to the Company.

Viji Finance has helped many individuals and corporate achieve their Dreams

by providing them with customised financial products and services which has given them access to low cost finance and in turn improve their standard of living and operations respectively.

Our Services




Our Features

We offer a wide range of services such as loans and other credit facilities catering to niche markets that traditional banks may not serve.

Bombay Stock Exchange

Explore real-time stock prices, market trends, and financial updates from the Bombay Stock Exchange.

National Stock Exchange

Stay informed with the latest stock performance, trading insights, and market analysis from the NSE.